
office lady中文是什么意思

  • 办公室女文员
  • 办公室女性。。。经常在日本片片里见这个词的
  • 公室女郎
  • 就是一般的办公室小白领阿! 小白领



  • 例句与用法
  • A wonderful shop for the office lady man
  • How to become slim has always been a hot topic among office ladies
  • The " young office ladies booster campaign 2005 " took away a bronze award in the promotion targeted marketing category
  • Cosmo star is a magazine about attitude of stars . the office ladies will realize their own dream of being a star after reading it
  • Miss huang used to be an ordinary office lady , but now she has already been an excellent stuff of japanese tengjie business consultation ltd
  • When cat seperate with zi - young , she working as a office lady and living in a normal life . one day , when she going out with her old friend , they got attacked by a russian
  • While she is proud of him for intuitively discovering " what others have to take courses to learn , " she said , " i wish the post office lady called him mr
  • From medium - built men to bony office ladies , everyone is in pursuit of achieving desired body weight by enrolling in all sorts of so - called " slimming treatments " , or searching for weight loss shortcuts without the need of dieting or exercising
  • Jc flavor believes that its oatcake series will soon become a favorite snack for the weight - conscious office ladies . walkers was founded in 1898 and has been granted the royal warrant of appointment by her majesty the queen . this will be an exciting collaboration between a scottish specialty and an eastern name - brand
    制造商walkers历史悠久,创立于一八九八年,品质与工艺得到时间的验证,更是唯一一家能三度获英女皇出口成就奖queen s award for export achievement的苏格兰食品商。
  • Pieras is a famous brand in japan . it has almost 100 product lines including eyeshadow , lip gloss , foundation , two way cake , mascara , nail polish , etc . it is an extremely popular brand among young girls and office ladies in japan due to the high quality - reasonable price , features and in - style colors
  • 百科解释
An office lady, often abbreviated OL, is a female office worker in Japan who performs generally pink collar tasks such as serving tea and secretarial or clerical work. OLs are often unmarried and live with their parents well into early adulthood.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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